Supply Chain and Operations
Finance and Accounting

Product Emissions Forecaster

A cloud-based platform that provides product level emissions, covering scopes 1, 2 and 3, as well as business-wide emissions, both historically and in the future. With the ability to build scenarios and input initiatives, the platform can support future decision making and let you explore “what ifs” at a product or business unit level. All of this is supported by our wraparound data management service.

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Designed for your business needs

Full coverage of all aspects of your carbon footprint (all products, all scopes, historical and forecasts).

Full transparency and ability to edit every input, allowing you to change and model as much or as little as you like.

The platform is tailored to your business, it will reflect the exact data you and your team work with day-to-day.

Using your carbon data to simplify and improve your planning process, down to a product level

The pressure for FMCG businesses to minimise their impact on the planet continues to grow.

This means that companies need to make decisions now that will allow them to thrive in a sustainable future, balancing profit and growth with sustainable performance.

Many businesses are facing these decisions without the proper tools and find it difficult to consistently model emissions across functions and regions whilst simultaneously integrating commercial plans and evaluating the impact of different strategic sustainability choices.

How does Product Emissions Forecaster work?

The tool takes your raw data and assumptions, then allocates them, combines them and converts them to calculate product-level and business wide emissions.

Model and analyse individual product carbon footprints - instantly see the carbon footprint of every product you sell and model the impact of any changes to that product.

Combine product level emissions with sales data - view the bigger picture and understand the key drivers of carbon across your business units, both today and in the future.

Evaluate the impact of strategic choices - input different business decisions and initiatives and see how they impact the trajectory of your emissions.

Leave the data management up to us - we will help manage the data lake that sits behind the platform which will become your single source of truth for all carbon modelling.


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