Supply Chain and Operations
Risk and Regulation

Digital Policy Manual

A responsive web-based application that gives your team easy access to your policies in a format they can understand, navigate and interact with. Create a robust control environment using tailored access rights and approval workflows with fully auditable version control.

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Designed for your business needs

Create a single source of truth, through one central platform, with easy and controllable access for all users across your teams, locations and devices.

Access content quickly with enhanced searchability and book marking functionality that helps you find and keep finding the right information when you need it.

Drive standardisation across your organisation by customising policy and process documentation templates so they’re tailored to your needs.

Flexible technology for interactive policy management

Digital Policy Manual can seamlessly integrate with Microsoft's wider stack of products, enabling complete flexibility to continuously improve and update as new Microsoft technology becomes available.

How does Digital Policy Manual work?

Digital Policy Manual is a process management tool to help your employees access, navigate and interact with your policies in a format they can understand.

Access content quickly with enhanced searchability and bookmarking functionality that help you find the right information when you need it.

Creates a connection between users and creators of policy/procedure documents by allowing users to submit questions/suggestions to the policy owner directly.

Different access rights can be applied to different roles, and approval stage gates can be customised to your needs for each policy/procedure document.

Customisable analytics can provide visibility over how users are engaging with key documentation and mandatory policy/documentation review controls.

Digital Policy Manual can send email reminders to the policy owner ahead of periodic policy review deadlines to ensure review controls are not failed.

Staff with edit access can collaborate and save changes until marked for approval. All changes are tracked for audit history and previous versions can be reinstated.

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